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Write A Lincolnshire Song

Write A Lincolnshire Song

Andy Tymens
Andy Tymens singing the winning song in 2023

Beneath the veneer of Lincolnshire's agricultural calmness there are many vibrant communities full of vigour and interest. The life and history of Lincolnshire is varied and full of interesting and exciting tales which we want to preserve by encouraging people to write songs about them.

We are appealing to all musicians and song writers to enter our competition to 'Write A Lincolnshire Song' about some aspect of Lincolnshire. It can be about the people, the countryside, the history or any other facet of the county as long as it reflects some aspect of Lincolnshire or Lincolnshire life and culture. All the entries will be assessed by our judging panel and the best songs/songwriters will be invited to perform at a special concert where the judges will select the top three songs and award the prizes.

The competition for 2024 is now open for entries. Closing time for entries is Midnight on 1st September and the Finals Night concert will be held on Thursday 17th October. The venue is yet to be decided but will be announced as soon as possible.

We know that this will generate much interest in the writers, songs and performers and provide a great night out for many music fans. So what are you waiting for? Get thinking and writing and get your entries in.

You can keep up to date with our efforts by visiting our facebook page and, as we are not sponsored, if you would like to help us by making a donation to help cover costs please Send Us An E-mail to find out how.